HiHeyHello Magazine

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Quick Drop-In: Alyssa Gonzalez, Community Organizer + Outdoor Athlete

Q: Describe yourself

A: Community organizer, outdoor athlete, designer, and small business owner

Q: What are you excited about?

A: I’ve been training for a big race in March 2025. It’s the double at Mid South – a 50k trail run on Friday and 100 mi gravel race on saturday. I ran D1 in college as a 400 meter hurdler, so long distance/ultra running is very very new to me. It’s been exciting to try something new and make a huge goal for myself. ALSO, Treehouse Cyclery (my bike shop) celebrates its one year anniversary on Sept. 1st. I opened it with my best friend Kolby and we're thrilled to be coming up on a year, and looking forward to many more.

Q: What was the best advice ever given to you?

A: I tore my hamstring in college and my track coach told me something that I think about often. As I was sad and devastated, thinking my life was over, he asked me “What’s the worst case scenario here? Can you get through that? Give yourself a day to sulk, be angry, feel it all…then continue living your life and moving forward.”  This mindset has helped me through some low points and tough times, and has also challenged me to get outside my comfort zone and take chances I normally wouldn’t! Reframing is so important. 

Q: What was the best investment you made?

A: Therapy and anxiety meds! I’ve been in and out of therapy for the last 10 years and it’s been an integral part of my happiness and growth. It’s taught me that investing in myself is the most important thing I can do. Gotta look out for yourself, cause no one else is!

Q: What has helped you hone your craft?

A: I’m not sure what my exact craft is. My work dabbles in different spaces – but what’s helped me really hone in on the things I’m passionate about, is solo-exploration/play time. With design, I love finding ways to reignite my love for creativity and art. And in the cycling/outdoor space, I go on a lot of solo rides, build my own bikes, take classes and join group rides when I can, etc. I try to find ways to make my “craft” enjoyable and special, outside of it just being the way I pay my bills. 

Q: How did you break into your industry/sport?

A:I started cycling in 2021 and opened a bike shop in 2023. It’s a quick progression, but I truly fell in love with the sport. I broke into this industry through advocacy work and community organizing. I couldn’t find group rides or events in my area that I felt like I could attend or fit into, so I made my own spaces. That work grew a lot over the last few years and helped me learn a lot about the industry by working with brands, riding with groups all over the country, and building a strong community. It all influenced and supported me in opening a shop that is focused on creating a more inclusive and diverse cycling community in Colorado.

Q: What can’t you live without?

A: My airpods. I bike + bus commute to work everyday (bus - 60 minutes, bike - 20 minutes) so it’s really helpful to catch up on podcasts, listen to music, call my friends/family. I enjoy the mental stimulation and love being handsfree while doing other things!

Q: What is the best (most indispensable, longest lasting or current favorite) piece of gear you’ve ever owned? 

A: Most indispensable: My Ombraz sunglasses – they’re truly indestructible and always around my neck.

Longest lasting: My Swift Industries Zeitgeist bag! It was one of the first bike bags I got when I started cycling and that thing has been with me through it all. It’s perfect for grocery shopping, bikepacking trips, and everything in between. It’s going on 4 years now and still works just as good as the first day I got it. 

Current favorite: I just got a Katadyn water filter and I’m amazed at how convenient and easy-to-use it is. I’m always anxious about running out of water and I bring it on all my rides, just in case.